“When I Grow Up, I Will Be an Engineer”

“Dare All Jobs Day” is an organized day when young girls and boys discover professions without any judgment and without being limited to traditional female or male occupations. The workshop “When I’ll grow up, I’ll be an engineer” was organized by INGPHI and is associated with the sia (Swiss Engineers and Architects) Women Network. Once every year, it allows young girls between 10 and 12 years old to discover the job of a civil engineer. Through various presentations, workshops and construction sites visits, then can see behind the scenes of the work of a civil engineer. More specifically, they worked on the development of a project with the help of a draftsman and visited a construction site to see how the drafts are being executed. These workshops also allow young girls to meet active female engineers and thus realize that this profession is as much possible for them as it is for their male counterparts.

An explosion of tales, models and photos show the thoughts and developments made by the participant of this edition. These were exposed in the window display of the office until the end of the year. Vitrines du Petit-Saint-Jean.

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